


Anifie is a solution provider of next-generation technology, such as Blockchain and AR/VR, collectively termed Web3. The Company is developing NFT technology that provides unique identification markers in the virtual world for clients and a 3D game-like universe to allow users to participate in immersive AR/VR experiences with personalized avatars. Combined, these technologies have great applications and Anifie has delivered paid virtual music festivals and a new medium for marketing unique fashion pieces

Company Info

Leadership: Yohei Iwasaki, CEO
Headquarters: Los Angeles, CA
Founded: September 2019
Community Served: Workforce


Lettuce Seed to Seed

Learn how one farmer grows lettuce heads, for harvest and for seeds. We created this video series for farmers who are also English Language Learners.  Farmers will understand the videos with little use of written or spoken language.  This user guide is for trainers and English-speaking farmers. It provides more detail about the skills the video teaches.  You Tube feature allows you to translate our subtitles to many languages.

Irrigation 1: How much water and how often?

This guide will assist trainers who want to teach non-literate and/or non-English speaking farmers about how to use irrigation to deliver the optimal amount of water for different weather conditions, soil types, specific crops, and stages of growth. It is especially appropriate for farmers from tropical and subtropical regions who must adapt traditional practices to temperate conditions.

Greehouse Management

Greehouse Management

Growing your own seedlings in is a great way to save money and extend the growing season. You will need to care for your seedlings every day for many weeks in a greenhouse. These simple tips will help you grow healthy seedlings for the success of your farm business.

Starting Seeds Indoors

Starting Seeds Indoors

Start seeds in a greenhouse to:
Save money. Seeds cost less than plants. Grow special varieties that are only available as seeds. Or use seeds you saved. Extend the growing season. Time your sowing dates to have your seedlings ready to transplant as soon as danger of frost is past. Your large seedlings will have a head start against weeds. Get to market sooner with early planting dates.

CFP Test News Event Post

CFP Test News Event Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent mattis, orci nec iaculis rutrum, ante quam viverra nulla, vel euismod justo mi gravida lectus. Vestibulum sed neque ac elit porttitor fermentum. Phasellus tincidunt augue sed metus porta euismod. Suspendisse at justo odio, at egestas tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec scelerisque lacus ac libero sollicitudin sit amet volutpat eros interdum. Quisque odio mauris, pulvinar vel pulvinar sed, dapibus vitae ipsum. Mauris elit ligula, aliquam ut semper vitae, mollis sit amet arcu. Nulla auctor vehicula risus. Sed vel nisi urna, quis convallis neque. Nullam eu libero eu arcu aliquet venenatis id a nunc. Proin dignissim ipsum in eros blandit ut blandit quam porta. Proin id lacus nisl, eu ultrices velit.

CFP Test News Event Post

CFP Test News Event Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent mattis, orci nec iaculis rutrum, ante quam viverra nulla, vel euismod justo mi gravida lectus. Vestibulum sed neque ac elit porttitor fermentum. Phasellus tincidunt augue sed metus porta euismod. Suspendisse at justo odio, at egestas tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec scelerisque lacus ac libero sollicitudin sit amet volutpat eros interdum. Quisque odio mauris, pulvinar vel pulvinar sed, dapibus vitae ipsum. Mauris elit ligula, aliquam ut semper vitae, mollis sit amet arcu. Nulla auctor vehicula risus. Sed vel nisi urna, quis convallis neque. Nullam eu libero eu arcu aliquet venenatis id a nunc. Proin dignissim ipsum in eros blandit ut blandit quam porta. Proin id lacus nisl, eu ultrices velit.