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Ceresa provides a corporate learning system that helps diverse talent obtain personalized professional growth experiences regardless of organization size or scale. The platform integrates assessments, content creation flywheel, and cohort/individual coaching to guide employee growth journeys with matched programming from corporate leaders within and outside the organization.

Company Info

Leadership: Anna Robinson (CEO), Nicole Tanzillo (COO)
Headquarters: Austin, Texas
Initial Investment Date: 2022
Community Served: Workforce



Floating Row Cover

Floating Row Cover

Row cover lets sunlight and water IN and keeps pests OUT. Some insects overwinter in the soil. Check on plants under row cover. If you see any insect damage, consider treating. There are different types of row cover. This series will focus onthe use of a lightweight row cover for insect pest protection. Heavier covers help keep plants warm.

Flame Weeding

Flame weeding kills small weeds using fire. It is used on beds before planting and to kill weeds in paths. It works best on weeds under 4 inches tall. Growers will learn about the equipment needed, how to attach the torch to a propane tank and operate the tool.