Resource Library


BCS Safety Checklist

The BCS Safety Checklist introduces growers to a BCS machine and roto-tiller attachment. Staff will use hands-on demonstration to show farmers how to operate machines and attachments.

Cover Crops 1: Which Cover Crops Will You Use?

Learn how to use cover crops in vegetable production and other crop rotation schedules. This lesson covers three major types of cover crops (mustards, legumes, and ‘other’), and the potential

Crop Insurance 1: Introduction to Crop Insurance

Learn about crop insurance for catastrophic crop failures. Includes basic concepts and vocabulary related to insurance and an itroduction to USDA’s Whole Farm Revenue Protection.

Crop Insurance 2: Introduction to Whole Farm Revenue Protection

Learn about the Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) crop insurance program. Learn about eligibility, cost, the application process, required farming practices and record keeping.

Crop Production Manual

The Crop Production Manual includes basic growing information and visuals for many common crops. The manual was designed in New England and could be adapted for warmer climates.

ESL Test

This is a lesson for identifying a new farmer’s English skills, particularly related to farming and selling produce. This lesson includes a series of activities to test English comprehension and

Experiential Teaching Techniques

This is a lesson plan and workbook for a four-hour workshop, for future trainers on experiential teaching techniques.

Imported Cabbage Moth

This is a short lesson on how and why to identify Imported Cabbage Moth, with two control methods for organic growers.

Irrigation 1: How Much Water and How Often

This guide will assist trainers who want to teach non-literate and/or non-English speaking farmers about how to use irrigation to deliver the optimal amount of water for different weather condition

Learning About CSA

Lesson plans and classroom activities for farmers planning a CSA. Learn what a CSA is and how to pack shares.

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