Resource Library


Crop Rotation Ideas

Learn what crop rotation is and why it is important. Practice some of the methods you learn in your garden or farm.

Hand Spacing Guide

A pocket-sized guide that teaches the user how to correctly space common crops, and how many rows to put in a common 4 foot row. The guide also explains why proper spacing is key to a successful se

Planting Garlic by Hand

This guide provides simple instructions on how to plant garlic by hand, showing the correct spacing and depth

Pest Management – Leaf Miner on Chard and Spinach

Leafminer is a pest that damages chard, spinach, beet tops and other greens. You can manage leaf miner by removing the affected leaves.

Small Farm Business Checklist

Learn about things you need to be a successful farm business.

Business Planning: Goal Setting

Learn how to set goals for your farm this season.

Business Planning: Risk Management

Use this material with the Risk Management Worksheet. You can use it for group discussions or technical help sessions on risk management.

Plain Language Tips

Learn new words you’ll need at the farm. Each document covers one topic, including Food Safety, Greenhouse Work, BCS Machines. Sustainable Practices, Soil Health, Pest Management, and Benefic

Peachtree Borer

Growers will learn the steps to apply beneficial nematodes to fruit trees, using a hose-end sprayer.

Colorado Potato Beetle Life Cycle

Learn about the life cycle of the Colorado Potato Beetle so you can know where they are during the season.

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