Soil Health and Fertility
Six lesson plans related to soil health and fertility. Learn about soil texture, fertilizers, soil organisms, legume crops and nitrogen, cover crops, and nutrient problems.
Watering Basics: A Water Conservation Guide for Small Farms.
Learn what water conservation is, why it is important, and how you can conserve water.
Managing Money: Recordkeeping for Beginning Farmers
This presentation helps trainers teach farmers about recordkeeping. It includes on method for storing your farm records.
Managing Money: Use separate accounts for home and business
This guide helps trainers support farmers to understand the difference between home and farm income and how to keep them separate for good farm business.
Managing Money: Farm Projections and Budgeting Part 1
This guide helps trainers support farmers to budget before and during the growing season.
Cover Crops Plant Families: Match + Learn Game
Know your cover crop plant families. Rotate crops by family for best soil health for your farm!
Greenhouse Record Keeping Activity
Learn what important information to include in your greenhouse records.
Pest ID and Management: Card Game
Learn how to identify pests to grow healthy produce and save money.
Plant Families: Match + Learn Game
Plan crop rotations by plant families, because it helps keep plants healthy. Plants in the same family attract the same pests and diseases, but rotating different families reduces these issues.
Row Planner Game
This classroom activity visually represents correct plant spacing in row templates matched to common bed sizes. Participants use circles that represent different-sized plants, to plan proper plan