How to save Tomato Seeds
Learn how to process tomatoes to save the seeds to plant next year.
Planting Tomatoes
Learn how to transplant tomato starts to the field, using correct spacing and technique.
Bed Prep by Hand
Learn how to prepare a 30-inch bed for seeds and transplants, without mechanical tillage.
Direct Seeding with an Earthway Precision Seeder
Precision seeders are helpful tools for seeding crops such as carrots, greens, radishes, turnips, and more. The Earthway Precision Seeder allows the farmer to seed straight lines at tight spacing.<
Direct Seeding by Hand
Seeding by hand is the most basic form of seeding. Seeding by hand is best for larger seeds like beans, peas, and corn.
Transplanting Crops
Learn how to efficiently transplant plants started in a greenhouse into the field