How to Fix a Leak in a Garden Hose
Fixing a leak in a garden hose is cheap and easy. You do not have to buy a new hose. You just need a few tools and new parts.
How to Run a Semi- Trash Water Pump Part 1 – Setting up Pump
Two-part series shows how to use a water pump to irrigate from a pond or stream.
How to Run a Semi- Trash Water Pump Part 2 – Operating the Pump
Two-part series shows how to use a water pump to irrigate from a pond or stream.
How to Clean and Maintain a Crop Storage Room
Clean and sanitize your crop storage area to prevent bacteria and disease.
How to Clean and Sanitize Coolers
Clean and sanitize coolers to prevent bacteria and disease.
How to Clean and Sanitize a Crop Delivery Van
Clean and sanitize your crop delivery van to prevent bacteria and disease.
How to Make a Mobile Handwash Station
Make a mobile handwash station to wash your hands in the field or at a market, and prevent the spread of disease.
Baiting an Electric Fence
Baiting your electric fence helps keep animals out of the garden. Use peanut butter on a piece of foil.
Flame Weeding
Flame weeding kills small weeds using fire. Use it on beds before planting and to kill weeds in paths. It works best on weeds under 4 inches tall. Growers will learn about the equipment needed, how