Resource Library


Urban Farming

A guidebook that simplifies what urban farming is, why it is important, and how you can grow food in the city.

Small Farm Business Checklist

Learn about things you need to be a successful farm business.

Business Planning: Goal Setting

Learn how to set goals for your farm this season.

Business Planning: Risk Management

Use this material with the Risk Management Worksheet. You can use it for group discussions or technical help sessions on risk management.

Crop Insurance 1: Introduction to Crop Insurance

Learn about crop insurance for catastrophic crop failures. Includes basic concepts and vocabulary related to insurance and an itroduction to USDA’s Whole Farm Revenue Protection.

Crop Insurance 2: Introduction to Whole Farm Revenue Protection

Learn about the Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) crop insurance program. Learn about eligibility, cost, the application process, required farming practices and record keeping.

Managing Money: Recordkeeping for Beginning Farmers

This presentation helps trainers teach farmers about recordkeeping. It includes on method for storing your farm records.

Managing Money: Use separate accounts for home and business

This guide helps trainers support farmers to understand the difference between home and farm income and how to keep them separate for good farm business.

Managing Money: Farm Projections and Budgeting Part 1

This guide helps trainers support farmers to budget before and during the growing season.

Greenhouse Record Keeping Activity

Learn what important information to include in your greenhouse records.

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