Resource Library


How to grow cover crops on small farms

Cover crops give your soil food and protection. You can plant cover crops in the spring, summer and fall.

Cover Crops: Benefits

A guidebook that simplifies what cover crops are and why they are important.

Cover Crops: How to make a cover crop plan

A guidebook that simplifies how to make a cover crop plan.

Winter Cover Crops

Learn about grass and legume cover crops. These cover crops can grow in cooler weather.

Cover Crop Decision Making Tool

This tool helps you decide which cover crop family to grow for the benefits you want.

Create a “No-Dig” Garden with Leaf Mulch

Learn how to use cardboard, straw bales and leaf mulch to
create a new garden space without digging.

Cover Crops 1: Which Cover Crops Will You Use?

Learn how to use cover crops in vegetable production and other crop rotation schedules. This lesson covers three major types of cover crops (mustards, legumes, and ‘other’), and the potential

Cover Crop: Termination Methods

Use this chart to help decide how to terminate your cover crop this season.

BCS Tiller

You can use a BCS to till garden beds and large plots. You need to know how to put implements on and off to change what you are doing on your farm.

Bed Prep by Hand

Learn how to prepare a 30-inch bed for seeds and transplants, without mechanical tillage.

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